C Viva Questions.........................

Viva Questions For C lab Examination...

1. C is ----------------type of language ?


2.Which are primitive datatypes in C?

Ans-int,Float,Char,Double,void ;

3.Memory size 0f int datatype?

Ans-2 bytes

4.Memory size of Character Datatype?

Ans-one bytes

5.Memory size of Float Datatype?

Ans-4 Bytes

6.What will be output of following code?


Ans- Character A will be pritented on Screen until Heap memory is full. After that program terminates..

7.Difference b/w while and do...While?

Ans- While is Entry control loop.
      Do While is Exit control Loop.

8.Which are user defined data types in C ?

Structure , Enumeration

9. What will following Statement indicates?

 const int Key=10;

Ans- key is declared as Constant throughout the program key will have value 10

10.Difference b/w function declaration and function defenition?

       Ans- Declaration means declaring a function.
       eg- int sum(int,int);
        It tell the compiler that we will use this function.
       Defention means we are telling what the function will do..
       eg- int sum(int a,int b)
         int sum;

11.Syntax for function defenition?

 returntype function name( datatype argument1,datatype argument1,.........argument n)
 return( return value);

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